Dec 30, 2008


Wonderful concert!

Sep 18, 2008

I love handcrafts...

Bags, handbags, purses, wallets, and tote bags...uff!!!! I want them all.

Sep 12, 2008

Flickr week photos...

Choosing a perfect gift...

Sometimes it's difficult to get involved in the others likes. I always try to choose distinctive and original gifts, and sometimes it's not that easy to come across one of those however. Hence, I always try to do it by myself. Following is a great handcrafted work.

Sep 8, 2008

Monday Breakfast...

Moday again...This weekend was so much funny; I rest, I watched movies, and I lived the most enjoyable everyday life.

Sep 4, 2008

It's Raining Again...

I like raining, in the main because I like to be home, with a cup of coffee at hand with my favorite blanket, just gazing at drops falling down on my window.

Sep 3, 2008

5 Things I love the most...

1. Shoes. One of my worst and precious vices, and I love the comfortable ones.

2. Coffee. Generally Mondays are too tough for me, and coffee seems to be the only effective option against it.

3. I haven't found nothing more relaxing but Painting.

4. Food. I love it.

5. Music. My way to release from outside.

Flickr week photos...