Jan 14, 2010

For the Birds

Thanks to my sweet Andres, LoVe YoU...

First Visit

Some years ago I made my first real visit to Andres' Parents, I was so excited and at the same time so nervous. We had fun with simpler things, making bubbles in the air, taking pictures, walking in the park, etc.
This year we visited them again but more days and I should say that in comparison to the year before, I looked thinner then! haha, it seems I have gained some weight, I really like how I looked. I'm on a diet right know, hope it works.

My Milk and I

Some years ago, Andres gave me a well known pair of two milk lovers in our anniversary. This is one of the best gifts ever. Now they live in my bedroom exactly over my TV. I made some funny effects on them. I love them.

My View

These snaps were taken from my workplace, I should say that waking up every morning to go to work is so hard. Work is not helping me too much with my mood these days but there is something I like of it actually...the huge window behind me, haha. I like sunny days very much and the view from my window is pretty much better that the null-one I didn't have in my previous workspace. Watching the blue sky I imagine myself in different scenarios that make me so happy, that is why I always try to photo such perfect blue sky like these.

The Birds

This was my second Alfred's film and I can say he has such a great ability to make people feel scared and terrified without using any kind of art of the state technology, showing ghosts, evil girls with long dark hair or so. The one that I like the most so far is Phsyco, let's wait to watch the rest to have a more complete point of view.

Good luck

On Saturday is Andres' B-day, I'm feeling pretty nervous and stressed for the event, I want him to have a perfect day, with the chance to forget about everything but him. Hope to reach this challenge.

Jan 12, 2010

My Diana..

On December I decided to give me a Christmas present and I bought a Diana camera online, I was so excited since I was planning to use it in my trip and having my first real experience with a not-actually-vintage camera but not-that-lucky me received the wrong camera, I was really disappointed but I decided to send it back, although that means I won't have my camera for some months now, I guess I can wait, hmmm.

So Cold...

Currently, I've been feeling moody, guessing it is because of these cloudy and cold days, and I've been thinking I like them actually, but being in bed, watching movies all day long with cozy blankets, some candles to feel warm, a cup of hot chocolate and with the best company ever, Andres. Sometimes I feel I need more time to do what I want, if I would have just one day to forget about my work, stress and so many things I have to do, I'd choose a day like the one described before. Hope to have this day soon.