Sep 4, 2008

It's Raining Again...

I like raining, in the main because I like to be home, with a cup of coffee at hand with my favorite blanket, just gazing at drops falling down on my window.

Sep 3, 2008

5 Things I love the most...

1. Shoes. One of my worst and precious vices, and I love the comfortable ones.

2. Coffee. Generally Mondays are too tough for me, and coffee seems to be the only effective option against it.

3. I haven't found nothing more relaxing but Painting.

4. Food. I love it.

5. Music. My way to release from outside.

Flickr week photos...

Trying Something New...

This was my first soccer game I went to, I never imagine how could I get that fun. Bunch of gaiety, zestfulness, and folklore sharing in thousands of people, including me. I enjoyed it pretty much, though I don´t like soccer.

Hand Made...

Creativity and imagination comes from inside, and there are so many ways to express it through, here there are some works by Julia Rothman.

Strong Tastes...

"Nagaoki" Japanese Restaurant located in the south of the city. It is good, though some dishes are too much tasteful for me, I rather try the sweeter ones.

Sep 2, 2008

Motomichi Studio...

This is a wonderful art-design work performed with creativity and very few elements.