Oct 6, 2010

Things I love in this moment


1. Terrarium I love this little crafty things, althought it may be easy to do it, keeping it alive and ever-growing is the hardest part.
2. Andrés. My always lovely boyfriend.
3. Shoes. Are one of my current obsessions/pleasures haha.
4. Chocolates. I'm having such a craving urge to eat chocolates of any kind daily.

5. Miami horror. Listening this CD is getting me into a good mood these days.
6. Braids. These turn to be the latest hairstyle trend for long-hair girls and I simply love it.
7. Diana. This is such a great camera that I haven't learnt to use yet, but I'm still reading the guide to make the most of my shots.
8. Ponyo. I got fascinated with this creative and original, as usual, Hayao Miyazaki's film.
9. Fantastic Mr. Fox is a marvelous stop-motion animated film I really loved. It has such a great details like the colors, music and house little details that catch your eye right away.
10. Tatoo. If I got a tatoo I'd choose an original one, maybe something created by myself, I'm still thinking what could it be.

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